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We Provide Top Hadoop Development Services

We distribute large data sets across clusters of computers using Apache Hadoop’s framework and simple programming models. Gain better big data insights and improved flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness with our Hadoop development services.

Hadoop Programming

Chetu's Hadoop development boasts developers with experience in related technologies such as Spark, Scala, Python, Cloudera, Hive and Impala that enable the massive storing of data and running applications..

MapReduce Implementation

Our MapReduce framework implementation enables a significant volume of data on large clusters to be processed, as well as generates big data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm.

Hadoop Integration

Our Hadoop developers perform integration solutions with software components such as Hive, Pig, Flume, Ambari, HCatalog, Solr, Cassandra, Sqoop, Zookeeper, HBase, and Oozie.

Enterprise Data Storage and Processing

Our Hadoop development solutions enable enterprises to gain better insights from data and achieve scalability, flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

Hadoop YARN Architecture

Our developers utilize the Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) architecture that enables system resource allocation to applications operating in clusters while organizing tasks.

Hadoop Maintenance Services

Our developers provide maintenance services for your critical business processes. Our developers provide improved functionality and lessen the need for continued maintenance.

Hadoop Custom Development

We optimize your organizations performance with custom Hadoop development. We help IT departments balance current workloads with future storage and processing needs.

Hadoop Migration

Our expert developers understand dynamic market trends, as well as how to create a smooth transition of your existing platforms and frameworks using Hadoop migration.

Get Robust Apache Hadoop Development Services for Big Data Solutions

Our team of experienced software developers provides best-in-class Hadoop development and implementation services for big data solutions.

Hadoop Optimization

Our Hadoop experts will optimize your current Hadoop platform to add more personalized business requirements, relevant current trend feeds, and so much more.

SAS/ACCESS to Hadoop

Our team provides SAS/ACCESS to all of Hadoop’s features, including SAS statement mapping, query language support, seamless data access, metadata optimization, HIVE interface support, and more.

Real-time Analytics

To help you make important, accurate decisions based on real-time information, we integrate real-time analytics modules.

Experienced Hadoop Architects

Our Hadoop experts help businesses of all sizes and industry verticals create a strategy, implement, integrate, build, and test your custom solutions.

Data Pipeline

To effectively manage your data analytics, we offer data setups and data pipeline streaming that are highly comprehensive and easy to use.

Big Data Projects

Our developers leverage popular big data technologies, including Apache Hive, Apache Spark, Apache Cassandra, and so many more to provide you with high-performance, effective big data solutions.

Big Data Experts

We help companies bridge the gap between their ability to perform properly interpreted and reported analysis and the large volume of complex data by providing Big Data consulting and development services.

HDFS Services

We offer custom HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) services, using different architectures, like NameNode and DataNode, to ensure that all file systems are distributed properly.

We Optimize Your ICT Infrastructure Through Hadoop Nodes Identification and Integration

  • ELT data

  • Archiving

  • Big Data analytics

  • Pattern matching

  • Batch aggregation

  • Data warehousing

  • Cost-effective data

  • Data transformation

hadoop yarn

Case Study

We provide a business toolkit for video service providers to improve customer engagement, marketing performance, content personalization, retention, and more to ramp up your ROI. JUMP's platform accumulates video service providers' backend and frontend data sources that are enriched through big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning capabilities.

Hadoop Ecosystem

Our engineers create Hadoop solutions for large-scale data storage and seamless data processing.

Apache Drill

Apache Drill

To deliver data-enriched applications with a larger amount of datasets, we use Apache Drill.

Apache ZooKeeper

Apache ZooKeeper

Apache Zookeeper allows us to provide a key-value store that exists on a hierarchy.

Apache Hive

Apache Hive

We create SQL-like interfaces used to file systems for query data and other various databases by using Apache Hive.

Apache HBase

Apache HBase

Apache HBase, running on top of Alluxio, providing Bigtable capabilities for Hadoop as well.

Hadoop MapReduce

Hadoop MapReduce

Hadoop MapReduce is used to effectively distribute large sets of data computing and processing.

Apache Cassandra

Apache Spark

Apache Cassandra is an excellent tool used to program interfaces for data parallelism clusters and fault tolerance.

Hadoop YARN

Hadoop YARN

We use Apache YARN for interactive processing streaming and running data for batch processing.

Apache Mahout

Apache Mahout

To create scalable machine algorithms using Apache Mahout.

Hadoop HDFS

Hadoop HDFS

For optimizing your storage and Hadoop cluster access, we utilize HDFS’s DataNote and NameCode architectures.

Apache Solr

Apache Solr

We use Apache Solr for database integration, document handling, indexing, dynamic clustering faceted research, hit highlighting, and so much more all with NoSQL Functionality.

Apache Pig

Apache Pig

To engineer high-performance programs, our developers use Apache Pig since it seems to run seamlessly on Apache Hadoop, as well as MapReduce and Apache Spark.

AApachee Oozie

Apachee Oozie

To manage Apache Hadoop jobs as a workflow scheduling system, our developers use Apache Oozie, which is highly effective in executing accurate scheduling.


Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

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