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Transportation Software Development Services


Chetu’s Transportation Software Development Services

As a leading provider in the transportation industry, Chetu's transportation software development solutions uniquely cater to the industry's need for custom fleet, traffic, parking, dispatch, and car rental management programs.

Dispatch Software Solutions

Chetu’s experts develop custom dispatch software solutions that facilitate simplified and streamlined dispatch communications with built-in fleet vehicle telematics software, mobile functionality, and scheduling modules.

Dispatch Routing Software

Integrate third-party mapping and GIS software APIs, as well as custom features for multi-destination scheduling, geo-fencing, fuel price tracking, and more.

Emergency Dispatch Software

We develop computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems with dispatching features like (IAED) protocols, time compliance trackers, and ALI/ANI integrations.

Mobile Field Dispatch Software

Program native Android, iOS, and Windows mobile apps and cross-platform web apps, using Xamarin or PhoneGap, with built-in routing and mapping interfaces.

Dispatch Scheduling Software

Engineer automated dispatch scheduling software that enables more streamlined labor and asset management and promotes enhanced operational efficiency.

Fleet Management Software Solutions

Chetu’s fleet management software solutions and transportation management systems (TMS) facilitate fleet telematics, GPS fleet tracking, fuel management, vehicle maintenance management, and so much more.

Fleet Telematics Software

Engineer customFMCSA/DVIR-compliant TMS software with built-in telematics systems to facilitate easy asset location tracking, mileage monitoring, and more.

GPS Fleet Tracking Software

Automate complex routing strategies with GPS tracking, geofencing, and specific dispatch zoning, maximized by integrating third-party technologies like GeoTab or Teletrac.

Fuel Management Software

Optimize your fleet management by integrating fleet fuel card data that tracks your point-to-point fuel consumption and fuel usage fluctuations.

Asset Management Software

Integrate asset management software to effectively manage every fleet vehicle’s inventory, driver assignments, asset status history, and fleet-related documents.

Public Transportation Software Solutions

Chetu’s public transportation software solutions provide public transit agencies with enhanced fleet and passenger-oriented features for safe, simplified, and streamlined public transit experiences.

Vehicle Telematics Software

Our business intelligence (BI) systems coordinate with public transportation vehicle telematics software to track real-time location, speed, mileage, inventory, and more.

Route Optimization Software

Implement advanced route optimization algorithms and machine learning techniques to help public transit authorities deliver improved service and lower operational costs.

Transportation Mapping Software

Our programmers configure GIS and GPS software equipped with route optimizers, customer mapping, drive time radius, and other features displayed on an interactive map.

Paratransit Dispatch Software

Custom paratransit and non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) software solutions incorporate client-scheduling platforms, communication portals, and much more.

Rideshare & Carpooling App Solutions

Chetu’s experts engineer custom-tailored rideshare & carpooling apps that enable iOS and Android users to request safe, reliable, and economical rides from enterprise-level ridesharing networks.

Rideshare & Carpooling App Solutions

Rideshare Passenger App Development

Rideshare passenger apps incorporate real-time communication, booking & cancellation, real-time alerts, ETAs, fare estimates, driver ratings & feedback, and many other features.

Rideshare Driver App Development

Rideshare driver apps are designed with turn-by-turn navigation systems and comprehensive driver dashboards that showcase details on daily earnings, trip summaries, and more.

Rideshare Admin Panel Development

Rideshare admin panel portals enable high-level, real-time visibility of key rideshare business metrics, fleet management system integration, and comprehensive reporting/analytics.

Car Rental Management Software Solutions

Chetu’s feature-rich car rental management solutions are designed with customer portals, car rental owner controls, and admin panels to provide a complete overview of the car rental process from start to finish.

Booking & Reservation System

Develop feature-rich central reservation systems that seamlessly integrate with existing GDSs, online booking tools (OBT), extranets, and tour operator & OTA websites.

Rental Fleet Management Software

Engineer fleet management dashboards detailing rental statuses, return authorization numbers, maintenance records, registration dates, travel history, and other features.

Rental Insurance Software Solutions

Design rental insurance solutions to quote personal accident insurance, supplemental liability protection, roadside assistance protection, damage waivers, and more.

Car Tracking Software Solutions

Experts implement custom and third-party GPS software solutions for real-time car rental tracking, plus program recovery service platforms with advanced ignition controls.

Traffic Management Software Solutions

Chetu’s custom traffic management software (TMS) solutions incorporate report retrieval tools, field communication capabilities, traffic camera monitoring, and more, providing full control over your traffic infrastructure.

Traffic Management Software Solutions

Intelligent Transportation System Software

Program software and firmware for real-time traffic monitoring, equipped with RFID sensors, automatic plate number recognition, RWIS, communication platforms, and more.

Traffic Camera Software Integrations

Integrate video management systems (VMS) and networked video recorders (NVRs) with new or legacy traffic cameras, implementing incident and speed detection capabilities.

Network Traffic Monitoring Software

Engineers implement extended floating car data (xFCD) software using vehicle re-identification sensors, GPS, and telematics devices for advanced speed tracking.

Parking Management Software Solutions

Chetu’s custom parking management software solutions, optimized with business intelligence solutions, streamline parking permit management, mobile operations, and surveillance workflows.

Parking Management Software Solutions

Parking Permit Management Software

Defines and manages permit types/rates, customizable time-limit and renewals, extended stays, inventory tracking, registration management, payment hosting, and more.

Parking Mobile & Kiosk Solutions

Implement advanced self-service kiosk software, payment processing & accounting, e-ticket software, TICO/CICO functions, and so much more with full mobile functionality.

Parking Enforcement Management

Develop mobile parking attendant apps that facilitate virtual and QR-coded paper ticket issuing, ANPR, photo documentation, automated fee calculations, and more.

We're Here to Help!

Contact a member of our transportation management software development to start seamlessly managing traffic, parking, and dispatching today!

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